healthy beef and mushroom stroganoff

Healthy beef and mushroom stroganoff

A comforting, healthy and creamy dish that’s ready in a flash. This light version of beef stroganoff is a little over 500 calories so it is recommended you pair it with a lower calorie breakfast or lunch on a diet day to ensure your calorie intake doesn't exceed 1200–1500.



    1. Cook the rice according to the packet instructions and keep warm.

    2. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a wide frying pan and fry the shallots for 5 minutes, or until softened.

    3. Add the paprika, pepper, mushrooms and garlic and fry for 6–8 minutes, or until softened.

    4. Add the vinegar and mustard and bring to the boil. Cook until the liquid has almost evaporated. Pour over the stock and cook for 3–4 minutes, or until slightly thickened.

    5. Add the steak and cook over a high heat for 2–3 minutes, or until sealed and cooked to your liking.

    6. Turn the heat down to low and stir in the fromage frais, gherkins and half the chives. Season.

    7. Serve the stroganoff with the rice, garnished with the remaining chives.